Super Constellation

CHF 68.00

Author: Markus A. Jegerlehner
168 pages
250 Photos
Format 23 x 34 cm
All texts in German and English

SKU: S-Const Category:


«Star of Switzerland»

From 2004 to 2019 I was privileged to be part of the Super Constellation Flyers Association’s flying program as a photographer and “Maître de Cabine.” My first encounter with the “Camarillo Connie” was in California where I photographed its departure for Switzerland and preparations leading up to the flight. I later had the privilege of becoming a crewmember of the “Star of Switzerland” during her flights from Bern, Geneva, Basel, and Hamburg. Flights on this aviation icon from a bygone era were an incredible experience I will never forget. If your heart beats for aviation and you get the opportunity to fly on a Super Connie in the Swiss Alps, you feel a surreal bond with the sky. I’ve shared my enthusiasm for this aircraft in this book and want to share it with all aviation enthusiasts…especially Connie fans.

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg
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